Frequently asked questions around Gampe Thaya
Here you can find the frequently asked questions and the answers of our guests. Maybe there is also an answer for your question? If not, please don’t hesitate to contact us T +43 (,) 664 24 66 246

Along which slope is Gampe Thaya located?
The mountain pasture is located on slope nr. 11 (red slope). You can reach this slope via Rotkogeljochhütte (Giggijoch) or by Langegglift.
Is the mountain pasture reachable by car?
No, the mountain pasture is located in the skiing and hiking area of Sölden. In winter, skiers can reach the pasture along slope nr. 11 (red slope) or on the winter hiking path, with a hike of 30 minutes. In summer, there are several paths ((Walking time between 20 minutes and 2 hours) leading to Gampe Thaya. Further information about the arrival you can find here.
Is it possible to pay by card?
No, cash only.
Is the restaurant open also for dinner?
No, the restaurant is open during the day.
Opening times in summer: 8:30 am – 5:00 pm (Monday day off) and in winter: 9:00 am – 06:30 pm
Can we use the slope into the valley in the evening?
The slopes into the valley can be used until 06:30 pm.
Is the mountain pasture reachable without skies?
Yes, you can reach the restaurant without skies. The hiking path leads from Sölden or from the crossing Hochsölden (find the description here)